Welcome to SPIERSalign’s User Manual

[S]erial [P]alaeontological [I]mage [E]diting and [R]endering [S]ystem: Alignment and data-preparation utility

Main Coding: Russell J. Garwood Additional Coding: Mark D. Sutton, Alan R.T. Spencer Documentation: Russell J. Garwood, Mark Sutton, Alan R.T. Spencer

SPIERSalign is a stand-alone program which enables the user to align (or register) and crop a sequence of images (a tomographic dataset) prior to editing and/or reconstruction with SPIERSedit.




Relevant references

Sutton, M.D., Garwood, R.J., Siveter, D.J. & Siveter, D.J. 2012. Spiers and VAXML; A software toolkit for tomographic visualisation, and a format for virtual specimen interchange. Palaeontologia Electronica 15(2): 15.2.5T

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